Hi again Nobrow fans,
Here at both the London and New York offices, we’re handling our quarantines by continuing to put in the work to bring gorgeous books to all of you in need of some inspiration in these strange, socially-distanced times. But we need to stay inspired as well! So we asked around to see what everyone on staff is reading to get them through the week. Check it out:

Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama (Kodansha Comics, 2019)
“I’ve been reading on my doorstep in the sunshine after working on my Nobrow projects, and at the moment I’m on a Witch Hat Atelier adventure. It’s been amazing to dip back into some lovely light-hearted manga during these stressful times. Featuring a gutsy female protagonist, stunning magical displays, a healthy portion of fantasy, and beautiful world-building, this little gem is perfect for readers of all ages. Kamome Shiarhama works at both Marvel and DC as a cover artist, so combine that talent with an ability to craft a beautiful story, and you’ve got a little winner here. I challenge you not to root for Coco as she refuses to give up on her ambition to become a magician, and gets into a lot of hot water in the process!”
—Niamh Jones, editor

Tender by Choo (ShortBox, 2019)
“Tender by Choo is a thick artbook collection of beautiful full-colour works by Choo, published by ShortBox Comics. If I were to sum up this book in a word it would be “balanced”—you would think that this level of detail would become overwhelming but Choo’s expert use of composition, character, and colour keeps the heavy detail and strong emotive characters in balance throughout. At times erotic, at times tender, full of queer imagery, it comes together to form an inclusive compendium of personal wordless narrative, doodles, dream-like imagery and fanart. This compendium is a full meal for the eyeballs that you will come to dine on again and again. 10/10 would gawp at again.”
—Lucy Rivers, marketing designer

Gamayun Tales I by Alexander Utkin (Nobrow, 2020)
“Russian illustrator Alexander Utkin has been hard at work on this series for a few years now, and we’ve finally compiled the first three stories into this nice big paperback compendium! Who’s Gamayun, though? What are these Tales?! Gamayun is a mystical human-faced bird from Slavic mythology who can see the future… so she acts as our tour guide through a bevy of classical Russian folk tales. For any mythology hounds who have already read their share of books on the Egyptian and Greek pantheons, this is a wonderful introduction to Slavic folklore with drop-dead gorgeous illustrations reminiscent of mid-century Disney.”
—Jacob Shapiro, U.S. sales & marketing assistant