Looking for a new coming-of-age graphic novel that not only takes place in Paris, but feels entirely relatable, colorful, and hilarious? Look no further: Nowhere Girl is here, and if you’re a Beatles Maniac, all the more reason to pick this one up. If you’re on the hunt for your next book club pick, we’ve even created a list of after-reading questions for you to download and print, and impress your fellow book club friends with.
Bonus: Share your answers and tag us on social at @NobrowPress

Nowhere Girl
Magali Le Huche
The story of a young Parisian girl lost in the gulf between childhood and adulthood, navigating depression… and discovering the Beatles.
“Le Huche deftly handles complex feelings about growing up in a soft visual style, similar to Reimena Yee’s Séance Tea Party (2021).”—Booklist