Lara Kaminoff is a cartoonist and book-slinger living in Seattle with her beloved and their cat, Creeper. She’s inspired by an endless parade of podcasts, the magical world of fungi, brilliant friends, climbable trees, and danceable floors. Right now she’s probably talking too fast, thinking too hard, or trying to fix something that ain’t broke.
To find out a little more about his work, we asked Lara the following questions…
What inspires your work?
My unusual childhood, my early struggles with school, my fellow bus people and spontaneous street interactions, smells, half-comprehended science concepts, the people I love.
Tell us a bit about your writing/illustration process.
Until working with Nobrow I worked exclusively with traditional media, mostly gouache (my buttery first love!) but also ink, paint pens and colored pencils. I’m still adjusting to digital but loving it so far. I frequently go through fragmentary phases of consumption where a lot of woods walking and animated conversations and loud music and complicated recipes and dance nights fuel a barrage of scattershot ideas that then spawn periods of intense production where I’m glued to the desk and tearing through dozens of hours of audiobooks for long days of painting. Both of these phases are punctuated by no-fly zones of trash TV, endless snacking, and lying prone on the floor.